Rashidi - Blakeslee Stevens

The Rashidi Epic - by Blakeslee Stevens
Part1 Rashidi and Part 2 Josh's Message
Leitmotif Score by Drew Lesso
Performed Live
D.A. Ward Studios Los Angeles 1983
Part1 Rashidi and Part 2 Josh's Message
Leitmotif Score by Drew Lesso
Performed Live
D.A. Ward Studios Los Angeles 1983
Leitmotif Key:
Rashidi - impulse generator (clicks) following Rashidi's dialog and interactions.
Socrates Saul - Chinese sheng (reed flutes).
Josh - bowed steel string monochord played by Blakeslee Stevens.
Rashidi and Socrates - piece of plastic pulled against rosined steel string & Arp Electric Piano.
The Psychic Healer - smacking together 2 stones.
Mystic Revelations - 9 copper Moroccan bells.
The Disease to be Overcome - 2 note trumpet and stones.
The Dilemma - Chrome Bowl Gong & Arp Electric Piano.
African Mythology - Wooden Cow Bell, 4"x3"x1/8" piece of wood beaten, Gourd with beads, British Clapping Stick, Thump Piano, Synthesized Log Drum, small African hand drum.
Prerecorded narrative by Blakeslee Stevens played back and recorded many times over that plays as a whistling sound organically throughout.
Equipment: 2 cassette players, Arp Odyssey impulse generator (live), 2 mics, mixer.