911 What's the Emergency? - RolandFilms (movie)
What's the Emergency?
poetry: Dr. Mongo Taribubu
music: Drew Lesso
911 operators: Josie Roth
credits, direction: Roland Poet X
2001-2004 Taribubu-Lesso-Porter
Just great poetry, music, and wild editing! Have fun!
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credits, direction: Roland Poet X
2001-2004 Taribubu-Lesso-Porter
Just great poetry, music, and wild editing! Have fun!
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l,r Drew lesso, Josie Roth, Roland Poet X, Dr. Mongo Taribubu
This work was presented by Lilli Muller at Autumn Lights 06
at the Caltrans Plaza, the Eli and Edythe Broad Plaza,
endorsed by LADAD and sponsored by LARABA.